The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses And Decision Trees
The Governing Body and Decision Trees would seem a strange title for an article but bear with me while I explain a little.
A decision tree helps the user arrive at the correct decision for the set of facts or decisions and their possible consequences, (or in some types, of the percentage chance of being correct).
Example of a Decision Tree
A simple example could be the following statement:
Problem: A Witness (Person A) saw the Driver (Person B) driving past him on the High Street and was upset because the Driver (Person B) nearly hit the Witness as he crossed the road.
Question: Did the Driver nearly hit the Witness?
Known Fact: The Driver owns a green Ford Transit Camper Van and did not go out in it on Thursday, because he was off work ill at home as confirmed by his place of work and his doctor. However, normally he drives to work down the High Street around 7:30am-8:30am.
An Independent third party could ask the Witness the following questions:
- Was the driver driving a saloon car, estate car, or Minivan?
- What colour was the vehicle? Silver, Blue, Red, Black, or Green?
- What was make was the vehicle? Ford, Mercedes, Volkswagen (VW)?
- What day of the week was it? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday?
- What time of day was it? Between 7am and 8am, 8am and 9am, 9am and 10am, etc
The wrong answer to any of these questions would, in this case, exonerate the driver and make it a case of mistaken identity. It would need the right answers to all of these questions to make the driver the person that the Witness saw.
For example, if the answer to question 1 given by the Witness was “a saloon car”, then the driver is in the clear. However, if even if the Witness stated that he thought he saw the Driver in a Minivan, then the wrong answers to either (2), (3), (4) or (5) could still exonerate the driver. For the driver to even potentially be the person that the Witness saw nearly run him over, the Witness would need to describe a minivan, that was green, and a Ford model, not on a Thursday of that week, and between 7am and 8am or 8am to 9am.
The Application of Decision Tree Logic to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Why Needed?
In the article that follows we are going to test the claim made by the Governing Body that they are the faithful and discreet slave and have been appointed by Christ over true Christians and hence should be obeyed.
In doing so the reader should keep in mind that any one of these assertions being proved wrong means that the claim fails. If the claim fails to be proven, it will show that the very foundations of the teachings of the Governing Body fail like a [Watch] tower built on sand! Just like in our example above, all the assertions will have to be proved right beyond doubt for the Governing Body to be rightfully claiming to be the faithful and discreet slave of Matthew 24 and worthy of obedience.
After all, in Matthew 7:21-27 did not Jesus give a warning. In verse 26 he stated that “… everyone hearing these sayings of mine [Jesus] and not doing them will be likened to a foolish man who built his house [or a WatchTower Organization] upon the sand. And the rain poured down and the floods came, and the winds blew and struck against that house [or WatchTower Organization] and it caved in, and its collapse was great.” [1]
The Apostle John also warned us not to believe every claim of inspiration (or assertion of appointment!) when he wrote in 1 John 4:1 that as “Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.”.
A Decision Tree for the Governing Body.
Let us, therefore, test the assertion made by the Governing Body, that is, that they have been appointed as the faithful and discreet slave by Jesus Christ in 1919 and see if this claim originates with God. As we do so, also let us keep in mind that all the following statements need to be true. If just one requirement from this decision tree is false, then the assertion fails.
- That the faithful and discreet slave in Jesus’ parable of Matthew 24 was referring to a group of Christians rather than the actions of individual Christians.
- That this faithful and discreet slave group of Christians is the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
- That the communication of this appointment was made to the domestics at the time of appointment by Jesus Christ.
- That the communication of this appointment was made to the Governing Body at the time of appointment by Jesus Christ.
- That the appointment of a faithful and discreet slave by Jesus over his domestics and belongings took place in AD 1919.
- That Jesus Christ became King invisibly in the heavens in AD 1914.
- That the Gentile Times ended in October of AD 1914.
- That the dream of Nebuchadnezzar of the 7 times as a wild beast had a secondary fulfilment.
- That the fall and destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar took place in 607BC.
- That the Gentile Times lasted 2,520 years, started in 607 BC, that each time is a year, that each year or time consists of 360 days instead of the current calendar year of 365.25 days and that each of the 360 days should be taken as a calendar year of 365.25 days.
The above list is not exhaustive. However, it should prove sufficient to test the assertion made by the Governing Body.
Testing the Decision Tree for the Governing Body
REQUIREMENT 1: That the faithful and discreet slave in Jesus’ parable of Matthew 24 was referring to a group of Christians rather than the actions of individual Christians.
- The parable containing the faithful and discreet slave appears in both Matthew 24:45-51 and Luke 12:42-48. Both are parallel accounts to each other and contrast the actions of the faithful slave with the actions of the evil slave. The evil slave is punished but the faithful slave is rewarded. Note: In *** w12 12/15 p. 9 par. 3 You Are a Trusted Steward! ***, the Watchtower states “It is significant that in a parallel account, that slave is called a “steward.” (Read Luke 12:42-44.)”. (bold theirs).
- This parable contained in Matthew 24 and Luke 12 needs to be understood in the light of the parable in Luke 19:12-27. In Luke 19 the account indicates there were 10 slaves who were each given 1 mina. The master went away for a long time. When he returned one slave had gained 10 minas and was called a “good slave” and rewarded. Another slave had gained 5 minas and was rewarded accordingly as a good slave. Another one had hidden the mina and done nothing with it and returned it to the master (Jesus). He was punished as a “bad” or wicked or evil slave. The context therefore indicates that the individual slaves represent the different abilities and attitudes of different slaves (Christians). It should be noted that the account does not record Jesus describing how the other 7 slaves acted. It is, therefore, reasonable to conclude that the attitudes and actions of the 3 slaves described were sufficiently representative for all ten slaves and to make the teaching point that Jesus intended. Obviously, the remaining 7 slaves could have been all good, all evil or a mix of both.
- There is another almost identical parable to Luke 19 found in Matthew 25:14-33. Here again the master goes away for a long time after leaving one slave with 5 talents, another with 2 talents and another with 1 talent. On the master’s return the slave with 5 talents had gained another 5. The master says, “you were faithful …”. The slave with 2 talents had gained another 2. “His master said to him “Well done, good and faithful slave!””. The slave with 1 talent had hidden it and was told “Wicked and sluggish slave, …”. This context also indicates that the individual slaves represent the different abilities and attitudes of different slaves (Christians).
What evidence is there in all four of these almost identical accounts that Jesus was referring to a small group of Christians, as the faithful slave, and yet the evil slave was hypothetical?
- According to the July 2013 Watchtower in the Box “If ever that evil slave …” some unnamed and unreferenced scholar (and hence unverifiable, and, also, without access to his reasoning, if any, to support his conclusion), suggests that the passage is a hypothetical condition. As we cannot test this mysterious scholar’s reasons we have to discount his statement as only an opinion, not a conclusion with merit to support it.
- Why does a search of Watchtower Library back to 2010 at least, draw a blank for occurrences of these three other texts being used to directly support the teaching that the Governing Body are the faithful slave of Matthew 24?
- Why do the contexts of Luke 12, Luke 19, and Matthew 25, all indicate that the evil slave as a type is just as real a type of Christian as the good and faithful slaves are also types of Christians?
- In Matthew 25 there are three slaves, two good and faithful slaves, and one evil slave. In Luke 19 there are ten slaves, and we are told that two were good and faithful slaves and one was a bad slave. The others were not categorized. But it is surely significant that just as in Matthew 25 there were two good slaves and one bad slave. In each parable, Jesus rewards all three according to their individual actions. Therefore, why is it reasonable for an unknown scholar to suggest that in Matthew 24 the evil slave is hypothetical, and the good slave is a named group? Is this not taking the passage out of the wider context of scripture, as well as the immediate context?
- Furthermore, is it reasonable to suggest that in Matthew 24 it is that group that is rewarded, rather than the individuals being rewarded based on their personal actions as in the other accounts?
CONCLUSION: The scriptural evidence and context suggests the slaves represent types of Christians according to their abilities and actions, not a specific group.
CONCLUSION: The weight of evidence suggests that the individual slaves in all these parables represent the different types of abilities and attitudes of individual Christians, who would be found individually evil or faithful, not a specific group of Christians.
REQUIREMENT 2: That this faithful and discreet slave group of Christians is the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
If such a faithful and discreet group existed today, would we consider them discreet if they:
- Wear expensive watches, expensive rings, and expensive suits, such as are seen on the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, particularly in earlier JW Broadcasting episodes, while many Witnesses live in poverty or near poverty?
- Are caught on video buying 12 large bottles of Whisky on a Sunday Morning?[2]
- Speculate publicly on JW Broadcasting that the Covid pandemic means “we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days.”, wrongly raising the hopes of many Jehovah’s Witnesses that a day which they have waited for in expectation all their lives was finally here?[3]
CONCLUSION: Neither faithful nor discreet.
REQUIREMENT 3: That the communication of this appointment was made to the domestics at the time of appointment by Jesus Christ.
Would not Jesus Christ, if he expected everyone to follow the guidance of such a faithful and discreet slave, make their appointment clear to everyone?
After all:
- If humans when making appointments of persons in authority, make clear announcements of such appointments if they expect others to accept the authority of the appointee, would we not expect Jesus Christ not do the same? Did anyone in the last 100+ years hear Jesus making such an announcement of anyone’s appointment?
- If we are expected to put full trust in the Governing Body as Jesus Christ’s appointment to the extent that it means our eternal life, would we not expect Jesus to have left us in no doubt? After all the “*** w13 11/15 p. 20 par. 17 Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes—What They Mean for Us Today ***, states that “(3) At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.”
CONCLUSION: No Christians, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, were aware that Jesus Christ appointed the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses as his only representative on earth in 1919. A Governing Body in its current format did not even exist in 1919.
REQUIREMENT 4: That the communication of this appointment was made to the Governing Body at the time of appointment by Jesus Christ.
- Paragraph 6 and footnote of Study article “Look I am with you all the Days” from the 15th July 2013 Study Watchtower states: “Jesus began to inspect the spiritual temple in 1914. That inspection and cleansing work involved a period of time – from 1914 to 1919.” Footnote says “This is an adjustment in understanding. Previously we thought that Jesus’ inspection took place in 1918.”
- The study article “Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave” from the same 15th July 2013 Study Watchtower, built on (a) and claims “In 1919, a time of spiritual revival, Jesus selected capable anointed brothers from among them to be the faithful and discreet slave and appointed them over his domestics.”
TEST: Would Jesus Christ, the second most powerful being in the universe, leave his appointee guessing as to when they had been appointed?
1 Corinthians 14:8 warns us that “For truly, if the trumpet sounds an indistinct call, who will get ready for battle?”. A thought to ponder over. Would Jesus Christ, really sound an indistinct call, so that his appointment did not know of the appointment?
If the Governing Body truly was the appointee and did not know it for 95 years from 1919 to 2013, (having previously taught that all anointed ones were the faithful and discreet slave), then that would mean that either:
- Jesus Christ was highly incompetent in not making it clear to the Governing Body as to when he had actually appointed them (and not heeding the warning in 1 Corinthians 14:8)
- or
- The Governing Body were never appointed, and they are claiming presumptuously that they have been appointed.
CONCLUSION: There is no way conclusion [i] can be true, which means that (ii) has to be true. What other choice is there?
REQUIREMENT 5: That the appointment of a faithful and discreet slave by Jesus over his domestics and belongings took place in 1919.
TEST: What evidence is there (other than self-proclamation by the Governing Body in the 15th July 2013 Watchtower), that this appointment actually took place in 1919?
- To begin with accepting that the word of the Governing Body is true on this or any other matter just because they are the Governing Body, is circular reasoning.
- Would anyone believe you if you said to them “I was elected your President in 2022 and I am telling the truth because I am the President” and yet not be able to provide any evidence of how many votes you got compared with the other candidates?
- Or if you claimed “I was appointed Prime Minister by the President” but are unable to produce any voice recording or signed paper of the President to that effect?
- When did the Governing Body ‘realize’ they were appointed by Jesus in 1919? According to their own statement in the Watchtower article quoted above[4], it was in 2013. Before that Study Watchtower, they claim for a while they believed the date of appointment was 1918.
- However, whatever the claim is, it remains a fact that as late as 2004, according to the Watchtower 1st March 2004 in the article “A Slave who is Both Faithful and Discreet”, the Governing Body taught the following: w04 3/1 p. 10 par. 9 “Every member of “the Israel of God” is a dedicated, baptized Christian anointed with holy spirit and having a heavenly hope. Hence, the expression “faithful and discreet slave” refers to all members of that anointed spiritual nation as a group on earth at any particular time from 33 C.E. until now, …”
CONCLUSION: Without evidence they have no authority. No evidence is provided, only an assertion or claim.
CONCLUSION: Additionally, there is no external evidence or corroboration for this appointment.
CONCLUSION: Even regarding internal or self-evidence, from the Governing Body themselves, indicates that later than 2003 they still had no idea that the identity of the faithful and discreet slave was the Governing Body alone, rather than all of the anointed class as believed and taught by them at that time.
REQUIREMENT 6: That Jesus Christ became King invisibly in the heavens in AD1914.
TEST: For this statement to be true a number of other things have to be true.
These include:
- The Bible teaches that Jesus’ presence as King would be invisible.
- Jesus Christ was not appointed King before AD1914.
- Evidence that 1914 was prophesied as the time that this would take place.
- The chosen ones or anointed who had died were resurrection to heaven in AD 1914.
Again, any single one of these conditions being false would make the requirement false.
(1) When warning about false Christs what did Jesus say?
Matthew 24:26 records Jesus saying, “Therefore, if people say to you, Look! He is in the wilderness [i.e. difficult to find and see], do not go out;”
“Look, He is in the inner chambers, [hidden from sight, only visible to a few], do not believe it.”
Here, Jesus has given two clear warnings that if people claim Jesus is the wilderness or in the inner chambers, both places where it would be difficult for more than a few to see him or know where he was, we were not to go looking there, we were not to believe their claim.
Why? Jesus answers that in the next verse (Matthew 24:27). “For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so the presence of the Son of man will be.” Lightning lights up the whole sky, even if in the distance it can light up the sky into the distance in the opposite direction. It can waken up sleeping people through thick light blocking curtains, and closed eyelids. Lightning is unmistakeable. Likewise, his presence would be unmistakable, and would be clearly seen, with no opportunity for others to deny his presence.
In Matthew 24:30 Jesus repeats this message for emphasis. “Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”
It would be the sign of the Son of man, one sign not many. All the tribes of the earth would be distressed because they recognised this sign and what it meant. All these tribes would see the Son of man coming on the clouds, lit up by his power and great glory.
CONCLUSION: How could Jesus’ presence be invisible, only know to his followers? The Bible in Matthew 24:26-27 clearly teaches, it would not be invisible, or hidden, only known to a select few. Rather his presence would be known to the whole world.
(2) When does the Bible suggest Jesus was installed as King?
This subject warrants an article of its own. Please read here on this site: https://governingbody.net/when-did-jesus-christ-become-king
The undeniable conclusion is that Jesus was appointed King at his baptism in AD29. That he was given authority upon his death and resurrection to heaven. Matthew 28:18 tells us that the resurrected Jesus approached and spoke to his disciples and said, “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.”
The only thing still future, is for Jesus to come in power and great glory as per Matthew 24:30.
(3) Do Not Look For Signs
Jesus also warned his disciples and the unbelieving Jews not to keep looking for signs, calling those who did a wicked generation. See Matthew 12:38-39, Matthew 16:1-4, Luke 11:29-32, “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the Prophet”.
Backing this up, a careful examination of the Greek of Matthew 24:39;24:42 shows that when talking about those living in Noah’s day “and not they knew until came the cataclysm and lifted up all, thus will be the presence of the Son of man”, [Kingdom Interlinear Translation][5]
“Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”
Yes, those in Noah’s day did not know until the flood actually came. Jesus also warned that his coming or presence would be likewise, we would not know on what day he was coming.
(4) Did the resurrection of the anointed to heaven started in 1914?
If so, then what have the anointed been doing since then? (A search of the Watchtower Library for any information on this will draw a blank)
Back in the first century AD some were saying the resurrection had already occurred. In 2 Timothy 2:18 the Apostle Paul warned, “These very men have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred, and they are subverting the faith of some.”
Does not this warning still apply today?
- Jesus stated clearly in John 5:28-29 that we should “not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice [not just some of them], and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.”.
He did not say some would be resurrected to heaven, invisibly more than 110 years minimum before the rest.
- For a fuller discussion on the resurrection teaching according to the scriptures please see this series of articles: https://understandtheword.com/category/series/mankinds-hope-heaven-or-earth
What basis is there for any evidence that Jesus was appointed King in AD1914?
- None is given in the Bible
- None was given on earth in AD1914.
- None was given in heaven in AD1914.
Rather, the date of AD1914 relies on illogical extrapolations and calculations. It also relies on there being a second fulfilment of a prophecy in Daniel 4 that was already stated by Daniel as applying to Nebuchadnezzar.
This issue will now be addressed in the following requirements:
REQUIREMENT 7: That the Gentile Times ended in October of AD1914.
TEST: Where is the Gentile Times mentioned and in what context?
The phrase “Gentile Times” or “appointed times of the nations”, is only spoken of once in the scriptures. It is found in Luke 21:24, which was part of the answer Jesus gave to the question from the disciples as to when the Temple would be destroyed. (Luke 21:5-7).
In Luke 21:24 the Kingdom Interlinear Translation reads: “and they [the Jews of the 1st Century] will fall to mouth of sword and they will be led captive into the nations all, and Jerusalem will be being trampled by nations, until what [time] should be fulfilled and will be appointed times of nations.” The tense of this passage is all in the future not the past, or ongoing. Therefore, the clear indication is that Jerusalem would be (future, not, was being,) trampled on until the appointed times of the nations was fulfilled. It would not be trampled on until the Jews had been led captive into all the nations.
CONCLUSION: It is therefore twisting both the Greek language and the English language to make this “appointed times of the nations” which was yet to start according to Jesus.[6] It is also greatly stretching credulity that this period somehow start over 637 years before Jesus spoke and would continue almost another 1880 or so years into the future. Further, there is no indication anywhere in scripture as to when this “appointed times of the nations” would end.
REQUIREMENT 8: That the dream of Nebuchadnezzar of the 7 times as a wild beast had a secondary fulfilment or an anti-type.
(a) In the Watchtower Publication “Bible Questions Answered” starting on page 75 there is an article entitled: “What does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?”. Paragraph’s 4 and 5 read as follows:
“Evidence that the prophecy has a greater fulfillment. The whole purpose of the prophecy was that “people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that he gives it to whomever he wants, and he sets up over it even the lowliest of men.” (Daniel 4:17) Was proud Nebuchadnezzar the one to whom God ultimately wanted to give such rulership? No, for God had earlier given him another prophetic dream showing that neither he nor any other political ruler would fill this role. Instead, God would himself “set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed.”—Daniel 2:31-44.
Previously, God had set up a kingdom to represent his rulership on earth: the ancient nation of Israel. God allowed that kingdom to be made “a ruin” because its rulers had become unfaithful, but he foretold that he would give kingship to “the one who has the legal right.” (Ezekiel 21:25-27) The Bible identifies Jesus Christ as the one legally authorized to receive this everlasting kingdom. (Luke 1:30-33) Unlike Nebuchadnezzar, Jesus is “lowly in heart,” just as it was prophesied.—Matthew 11:29.” [7].
Is this evidence that the prophecy of Daniel 4 has a greater fulfilment?
Did you spot the evidence that the prophecy of Daniel 4 has a greater fulfilment? Or did you finish reading the quotation still waiting for that evidence to be presented?
True, God wanted to make a statement to those living at the time of Nebuchadnezzar, that he, God, was the supreme ruler. But why on earth does that mean it had a double fulfilment? Saying Jesus is lowly in heart unlike Nebuchadnezzar is just distracting the reader from the glaring evidence that substituting Jesus for Nebuchadnezzar just does not make any sense.
(b) The Governing Body themselves caution against making types and anti-types where the scriptures do not suggest it. [8] Do the scriptures themselves suggest that Nebuchadnezzar’s dream has an anti-type? The lack of tangible evidence in paragraph (a) suggests otherwise.
REQUIREMENT 9: That the fall and destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar took place in 607BC.
Secular historians all date the fall and destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar as 587BC or 586BC.
For a full in depth discussion of the relevant scriptures and why the Bible is accurate, yet the claims of the Governing Body that it was 607BC are clearly wrong, please see the following series of articles: https://governingbody.net/category/important-questions-witnesses-should-ask/did-the-gentiles-times-start-in-607bce-and-end-in-ad1914 .
CONCLUSION: Nebuchadnezzar did not destroy Jerusalem in 607 BC.
REQUIREMENT 10: That the Gentile Times lasted 2,520 years, started in 607 BC, that each time is a year, that each year or time consists of 360 days instead of the current calendar year of 365.25 days and that each of the 360 days should be taken as a calendar year of 365.25 days.
The claim that “Those Gentile Times were to be seven in number, each corresponding with a prophetic year of 360 days. On the basis of “a day for a year,” all “seven times” would total 2,520 years. (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6; Daniel, chapter 4) Beginning with Jerusalem’s desolation in 607 B.C.E., they would end in 1914 C.E.”.[9]
- Daniel 4:33 clearly states that “At that moment the word itself was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar …”. The Book of Daniel, and Jesus himself, gives no indication this prophecy was intended to have a second fulfilment.
- Any evidence for the so-called prophetic year? No. Both Ezekiel and Numbers talk about a day for a year, but there is no prophetic year mentioned lasting 360 days. The length of a Jewish lunar year was never 360 Days.
- Revelation 11:2-3; 12:6 written some 600 years after the book of Daniel is used also to support the concept of a prophetic year of 360 days but has no basis. None of the periods of days which are given, are also given in months, or in years in the Bible.
- The Governing Body claims the Jews of Daniel’s day had an exile of 70 years from 607 BC to 537 BC,[10] but the problem with this is that no one knows exactly when the Jews either left Babylon to return home or arrived in Judah. It could just have easily been 538 BC.
CONCLUSION: There is no biblical basis for a prophetic year, nor for applying 360 days for each year or time, nor for counting each of those 360 day/years as applying to calendar years of 365.25 days long [a contradiction in itself].
Remember at the beginning of this article we stated that in our decision tree, all items were required to be true, as they each rely on the next one, and if just one of them was false, the whole premise that the Governing Body were appointed as the faithful and discreet slave class in 1919 would fail.
The number of points required to fail is just 1.
The number of points which have been conclusively shown to fail is 10 out of 10.
Rather act like the Ephesians in Revelation 2:2 “you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles [sent ones], but they are not, and you found them liars.”
- All scriptures are quoted from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures – with References Edition (1984) unless otherwise stated. ↑
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1-1IeB3xJg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR4oBqrQ1UY BottleGate – Anthony Morris III caught in a Liquor Store on a Sunday Morning buying bottles of whisky. ↑
- https://avoidjw.org/governing-body/stephen-lett/ Video from 1:59 – 2:20, see Stephen Lett on JW Broadcasting claim: “we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days.” ↑
- 15th July 2013, Study Watchtower ↑
- Kingdom Interlinear Translation, (see WT Library or hard copy) ↑
- The trampling on of Jerusalem by the nations started in AD70 with the exile of the surviving Jews and the destruction of Jerusalem. ↑
- https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/daniel-4-bible-chronology-1914/
NOTE: All Ex- JW’s and JW’s who are questioning or investigating JW teachings are recommended to use a private VPN when clicking on any links to jw.org, to avoid being traced. ↑ - WT 15/03/2015 Question from Readers and the October 2014 Annual General Meeting talk by D Splane. ↑
- WT 1/02/1985 Who can read the “Sign” aright? Page 11, Paragraph 12. ↑
- w13 2/15 p. 8 par. 3 Do You Appreciate Our Spiritual Heritage? ↑