Featured Series

Love and Justice

Love and Justice in the Face of Wickedness (Part 3 of 4)

Are former JW’s exaggerating the problem of Child sexual abuse within the Organization? Or rather is the Organization ignoring the reality of the situation? Does keeping such things quiet maintain the sanctity of God’s name? What principles can we learn from handling a child’s accident while playing? Who is really bringing reproach on Jehovah’s name?

Latest Articles

The Truth about ‘The Truth’ that will set You free.

Tadua’s new book, “The Truth About ‘The Truth’ That Will Set You Free,” reveals the author’s journey of discovering the real truth behind Jehovah’s Witnesses’ teachings. It uncovers misinterpretations by the Governing Body and promotes awakening to true Christian freedom. Available on Amazon, all royalties benefit the R.S.P.B.

Anthony Morris III removed from the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Anthony Morris III has been removed from serving as a member of the Governing Body. As per the picture below, the JW.Org newsroom has announced that as of 22 February 2023, Anthony Morris III is no longer serving as a Governing Body Member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Implications: It is almost 100% certain that it must because […]

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The Truth about ‘The Truth’ that will set You free.

Tadua’s new book, “The Truth About ‘The Truth’ That Will Set You Free,” reveals the author’s journey of discovering the real truth behind Jehovah’s Witnesses’ teachings. It uncovers misinterpretations by the Governing Body and promotes awakening to true Christian freedom. Available on Amazon, all royalties benefit the R.S.P.B.

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Rebekah Vardy scores the opening goal in a match against Jehovah’s Witnesses

Rebekah Vardy v Jehovah’s Witnesses Rebekah Vardy scores the opening goal in a match against Jehovah’s Witnesses. In an unprecedented and likely to be unfriendly, match, Rebekah Vardy, has created a 1 hour documentary on her experience growing up as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Given the publicity about this upcoming TV programme, it seems it will likely to be a […]

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